...with your iMac!...
Sound app regular use
Multitrack Sample play
almost a multitrack recording system...
Sound App is a very cool product - thanks to Norman Franke for development of this unique soundtool. It makes sense really to read the information on his homepage and what is shipped with the programme.
Regular use...
You will have lots of fun with the regular use of Sound App: It is a very useful tool to experiment with sounds and to make them usable for your own audio productions as probably you not always happen to have aiff files available. Also converting sampling rates is interesting to create "low fi" - Sounds that are very popular to add distortion to clean samples.
You can edit and save playlists you simply have ot click - e.g. this means you can have playlists for different purposes (lets say: Girl friends, home work, daddy coming in, background music to relax, your favorites sportsreporter, etc. ....) Cute tool: Create a starting sound that tells you son: "Good morning darling, playing Nanosaurs is not permitted today but go to the homework file...).
The Sample Player
If you simply copy the programme to create a number of sound APP players you can create a funny multitrack sample-player combination:
first create some copies (you can duplicate a file by clicking on it once, apple + D) open the copies and create your playlist by adding the soundfiles - e.g. you may have some drumloops registred on one of the playlist, add e.g. a drumloop or a sequence you got from whatever... (checkout the freeware Track Thief (click download?!) for reliable extracting sounds from CDs)tip: as usual you can use apple + c to copy apple + V to paste and apple + X to delete songs from this playlists... take an eye on the shortcuts... I was not able to crash the program, only opening files in the trash caused difficulties you can now manipulate the different files "live" stopping them etc.
You may use Coaster to create empty files (silence!) and so you will have a cool "sound merger". E.g. try some pentatonic scales or sound recording from natural instruments
Hardware requirements
Following the above mentioned limitations of our iMac it is mandatory to have at least 64 MB, better 96 MB RAM (which is fairly comfortable) available. If you have to get more for a low price donīt hesitate to do so...
I strongly discourage you to try to work with 32MB RAM - this is almost impossible and you will get mad about the system hanging all the time rebooting again and again - it just makes no sense at all (ask Steve Jobs why they tried to sell G3 based computers with only 32 MB of RAM - this is strange indeed- even the simple IE may crash due to the lack of memory and many games require more RAM.)
To be tested: USB harddrives and CD-Writer, USB-Midi devices, in/output devices for USB (eg. Opcodes DAT-Port and Sonic Port -) etc. , if you happen to have experience with that or other imacmusic related hard- or software please post me this toThomas.Oesterheld.
Đ by Thomas Oesterheld, last update 26.10.1999,
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